Depending on which lender you’re applying for a home loan with, the documents you need witnessed may vary. The documents that require an authorised witness signature will depend on the state the Australian property is located in and the lender you’re borrowing from.
Some documents that will need to be witnessed may include:
This is the loan contract between you and the bank. Also known as a mortgage contract, some lenders need this to be witnessed whereas others don’t.
Some lenders will require a witnessed
statutory declaration as part of their mortgage documents. The witness must meet particular criteria to be accepted by the bank.
Some lenders will require you to mail them a photocopy of your ID that has been signed and certified by an authorised witness as a true and correct copy of the original.
The mortgage form is the actual document lodged with the government to register the lender’s interest in your property. The acceptable witnesses for this form will depend on which state of Australia the property is in.